Saturday, May 4, 2013

Are 'Born In Arizona' People A Rarity?

I was born in Arizona, along with three brothers, from the same parents.  We were all born in Arizona.  When we were young, it never crossed my mind that we were a rarity of any sort.  Maybe back then we weren't.  By the time I was in high school, I would hear little remarks about how 'nobody was born and raised in Arizona'.  Still, I gave no thought to it.  And as I grew older and associated with more 'adult type' people, I realized that many of them were not born in Arizona.  Guess I still didn't give it much thought since none of it made any difference to me.

This whole blog concept (I should say this one in particular, since I have many blogs) comes from a man in line at the grocery store last week, who started our conversation by asking where I was from.  It was a long line and I believe that the two of us were the only ones who were not wasting our time complaining about how lousy the store was for being under staffed or how untrained the cashier was, causing so much discomfort to our day.  We were also the only two who were at or near that age of collecting Social Security.  Something happens to a person when they reach their 60's.  They either decide to spin as much negative energy out there into the world before they leave it, or they decide that they are lucky to have made it this long and have no desire to hurry everything up to get to the end.  Back to the gentleman in line - after he asked where I was from, he said that he and his wife were becoming one of those terrible 'snow birds' who inhabit the State of Arizona, every winter while the ice and snow covered their yard in the Midwest.  The conversation from this point had light bulbs going off in my head.

Snowbird Guy said this was their third year in Arizona and they were sort of bored of it already. 
They have seen lots of the major tourist attractions but that isn't something that you can do on a daily basis.  His question for me was - What is there to do in Arizona, that is inexpensive, simple, and maybe people his age would enjoy doing?  After all, someone who was born and raised in Arizona, some like myself, should know this, right?  Especially after raising a bunch of kids here.

So here we have it.  A blog for the Snow Birds and for the mom wanted to get the kids out to do something simple.  And of course for those in their 30's and 40's,like my kids and their kids who are in their 20's (and under) who are always either looking for something to do or talking about what they have done.  In other words, this is just a blog about what has happened in Arizona in the past, what is happening now and what there is to look forward to.

As far as being a rarity because I was born in Arizona - well, like I said earlier, I have 3 brothers who were also born in Arizona and still remain here.  Between the 4 of us, we have 8 children.  All three of mine still live in Arizona.  Of my three - I have 8 grand children and 2 great grand children.  All live in Arizona.  You can see why I don't feel like there is a shortage of Arizonians in my family.
Between all of us, I bet there will be some interesting content to follow here in the near future.

Stay tuned and check back often. And please feel free to help me out with suggestions. 

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