Saturday, May 18, 2013

3rd Annual Ameri-can Beer Festival

If you are a beer drinker, this has got to be on your bucket list.  The Ameri-can Beer Festival, in Scottsdale Arizona.   What a kick this must be.  There's over 150 different beers; rare beers, odd flavored beers, an interactive nano beer garden and so much more.  Sounds like you best have a designated driver for this event. Top this off with tons of food vendors and live music also.

What a perfect time of the year for this event.  The weather is warm enough to enjoy a really cold one and still nice enough to be able to spend the day.

I had never heard of this event until today on the Channel 3, morning news.  I'm not a beer drinker but I may go just for the fun and spirit of it all.  And I think there may be a lot to learn here.  Even the rep on the news was full of great info.  The most surprising to me is that beer is best from a keg or can.  Do you know why?  Light, from the sun or incandescent, will effect the taste of the beer.  I have never heard that before.  Guess you can never know too much about beer. 

Since it's too late to attend this event for 2013, put it on the list for May of 2014



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